Apply for the Award

Criterion 1

Goals and alignment

The collaboration has clear goals that align with those of the representative entities, is based upon previous research or mutual need and designed to improve healthcare educational practice, leadership and/or scholarship and incorporates perspectives and inputs from all members of the collaboration that transparently address issues of power and privilege.

Sub Criteria

Example of Evidence

1.1 There is alignment within and across the entities involved in the collaboration.

Provide the aims and goals of the collaborating entities, explain how these were developed collaboratively and how they were aligned with the various entities’ aims and goals. Indicate how motivations, values and beliefs have been addressed.

1.2 Perspectives from all collaborators are incorporated  in the collaboration

Narrative description of the kinds of design elements included in the collaboration to assure mutual perspectives. Identify differences among the collaborators and how barriers are addressed. This can include how transparent conversations about power, privilege and position are part of the collaboration.

1.3 All collaborators and their stakeholders derive mutual benefits from the collaboration such that there is an influence on healthcare educational practice, leadership and/or scholarship.

Narrative description of the benefits (intended or unintended) specifically describing why the collaboration facilitated these benefits. (e.g., compare with outcomes if each entity worked independently). There should be a description of the benefits from all partners, and they can include tangible products and intangible around education, independence, culture.

These examples are provided by reviewers and are intended to be indicative rather than exhaustive. You may have other evidence that would be equally important and which support your case for excellence.