Apply for the Award

Criterion 2

Underlying Educational Strategy 

In bringing about curriculum change and renewal, key to its success is having a clear educational strategy, and sound reasons for adopting this strategy.

There are three levels or stages in the development of a well-structured curriculum:

  1. The underlying education theory (epistemology) which results in the chosen educational strategy.
  2. How this has been translated into the content of the programme and the educational approaches (pedagogy) chosen for its delivery.
  3. The teaching and learning methods and environment in which they are delivered.
Please tell us about the overall educational strategy and theoretical framework underpinning your programme. Explain the reasons for adopting this strategy and how it relates to the programme aims and outcomes.

Examples of evidence

  • Outline your educational strategy. Explain why you have adopted it, the theoretical framework underpinning it, and why it is appropriate for your school and region in terms of, for example, the vision/mission of your university or school, meeting the health needs of society (local, national or global), meeting accreditation standards, producing doctors skilled in clinical research or producing doctors trained to work in rural communities.
  • Please provide evidence that the programme aims and outcomes to be achieved at the end of the programme are well defined and align with the overall educational strategy.
  • Please outline any role played by national and/or international bodies in defining the outcomes or any other external guidance that was taken into consideration.
  • Please describe the educational model that you use (e.g. discipline-based, system-based, module-based, theme based, spiral), demonstrate how it permeates the curriculum and explain the reason for adopting the model.

These examples are provided by reviewers and are intended to be indicative rather than exhaustive. You may have other evidence that would be equally important and which support your case for excellence.