Apply For the Award
Criterion 1
The assessment programme serves and supports the mission of the institution and the goal of medical, dental and veterinary education globally in enhancing and improving the health of both populations and individuals.
Examples of evidence that might be provided:
- Context, vision, and mission statements of the school.
- Overall academic program map and its outcomes, showing the alignment with context, vision, and mission, setting out what the School wishes to achieve in its programme, whether it claims any distinctive features and in particular whether it aims to address a particular health need.
- A description of the assessment program, detailing how the assessment system fits into the context and vision.
- Outline where assessment fits into the overall academic programme, its purpose at different parts of the curriculum, and how specific assessment activities are combined to facilitate decision-making/student guidance. o Institutional policy documentation that outlines the assessment philosophy/fit between assessment and curricular activities.
- A description of the process to ensure the needs of the community are represented in the assessment program, possibly including anonymous surveys of stakeholders.
- Mission statement of the university juxtaposed with map of assessment program.
- Narrative explanation of ways in which the assessment programme tailoring takes place.
- Copy of policy statements that outline the goals of the assessment programme along with some indication of how/when students are kept informed of these goals.
- Justification that the assessments used represent good practice.
- Narrative outlining the philosophy used/justifying the approach(es) adopted.