Apply for the Award
Completion requirements
Criterion 4
The faculty development program engages in ongoing program evaluation, and examines impact on individuals, organizations and, where possible, the wider community.
Sub-Criteria | Examples of evidence |
4.1. The program engages in continuous and systematic evaluation of the process and impact of faculty development. | Narrative description of the evaluation system, including types and frequency of data collected and synthesized, and an example of how findings are reported. Narrative description of the impact on individuals, programs, organizations, and where possible, the wider community (e.g., affiliated hospitals and clinics), with quantitative and qualitative data (e.g. student ratings of teaching and/or student performance assessment; recruitment of faculty members; achievements of students and faculty members; new faculty behaviours, roles or responsibilities; list of educational publications and presentations). You may place this list of publications and presentations in an appendix if it exceeds the word count for Criterion 4. |
4.2 The program engages in reflective critique and quality improvement for faculty development. | Narrative description of how on-going program evaluation and review has been applied to improve program performance in the past five years. |
These examples are provided by reviewers and are intended to be indicative rather than exhaustive. You may have other evidence that would be equally important and which support your case for excellence.