Criterion 3

Student Engagement in the academic community 

3.1. Students are actively engaged in research/scholarly projects carried out or supervised by faculty members and/or are mentored by faculty in student-led research. 


This criterion is concerned with whether students, as part of the academic community of the school, engage in the research of the faculty or in their own research under faculty guidance, not with research as a subject in the curriculum or research assignments carried out by the student as a course requirement. Provide details of the ways in which students are involved in research and scholarly activities at the school. Include the number of students involved and note if this research is part of an additional degree (beyond the medical, dental, or veterinary medicine degree), such as a PhD or master’s degree, and/or if such research is recognized by the school/programme in some way (such as through a certificate).  

3.2. The school/programme supports student participation at local, regional or international medical, dental, veterinary and/or health professions education or scientific meetings  


Describe whether students are members of student associations or medical, dental, or veterinary education associations. How do they participate? Supply evidence of the involvement of students in meetings connected to research, practice, or scientific advancement in their chosen discipline. Evidence should be provided as to the number of students attending national and international meetings and how this is encouraged and supported by the school, including the resources allocated. Students’ involvement in assisting with the organisation of local meetings should also be described. 

These examples are provided by reviewers and are intended to be indicative rather than exhaustive. You may have other evidence that would be equally important and which support your case for excellence.