Apply for the Award
Completion requirements
Criterion 6
Scholarship is important in any institution’s mission. This can take many forms, not just research and publications. To qualify for excellence in curriculum development, there must be evidence of achievement of scholarship.
Please tell us how your institution supports scholarship, including rewards for faculty engaged in scholarly activities. Note that it is not essential to have an extensive list of publications in educational research.
Examples of Evidence
- Explain how medical education research (carried out internally or obtained from published material) is used to inform your curriculum. Summarise the main themes of this educational research and evaluate the impact of this research on future curriculum development. Provide examples of any medical education research conducted in your own institution.
- Show how your institution promotes excellence in medical education, disseminates good practice, provides a forum for discussion about medical education issues and maintains standards in teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum evaluation. Indicate staff with medical education expertise.
- Please provide your staff/faculty development strategy. Indicate the staff development activities required for key roles e.g. small group teaching, assessment, lecturing. If you operate a peer review system, please provide details.
- Outline your policy for faculty appraisal. Does your institution recognise educational scholarship as a criterion for promotion? Please provide evidence of promotions, based on educational scholarship, which have been successful.